March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day

Or, "Día de Pi", as you would say here in Spain. Pronounced "pee". Lol. But people here don't celebrate pi day, unfortunately. When I tried explaining the day to people at my internship and to my host family, they were first baffled then bemused that such a holiday exists.

Anyways, I have a lot of blog-catching-up to do. Last weekend was our Granada trip, which was nothing short of amazing. And upcoming is Morocco this weekend!

But it's midterm week and I should be studying. ¡Hasta pronto!

March 5, 2012

It's just one of those days

...where it feels like everything is going wrong. Yes, it even happens here in Sevilla. And it's only 10:37 in the morning.

I woke up a bit earlier than normal today because it's my first day at a new internship. But of course, I set my alarm for later than ideal because I always tend to overestimate my ability at being efficient in the morning. So as usual, I was rushing to get ready in the bathroom and thought I was pretty good on time until I tried putting in my left contact. It took me three tries because every time I popped the lens in my eye started burning like crazy. Turned out there was an eyelash attached to the lens...owww.

Anyways, I got dressed and put on minimal makeup since I was already running late. Went into the kitchen to grab breakfast and my packed lunch...but my lunch wasn't there. My señora had forgotten that I was leaving early today and hadn't made my lunch yet. Oh well, I figured I could just buy a sandwich at the cafeteria later, no big deal.

I rushed out the door and made my way to the Sevici station. There was one last bike available! Yes! At least something was going all right this morning. I threw my water bottle into the bike basket up front and took started my way towards los remedios, where the Asociación de Alzheimer Santa Elena was located.

The bike paths in Sevilla are convenient and separate from the roads and pedestrian walkways, but the most annoying thing is that they are not located on both sides of the main road. So sometimes I would find myself accidentally biking over cobblestone because the bike path would be located on the other side of the street. Given that I was biking a new route this morning, I indeed found myself on the wrong side of the road once again. So the side of the street I was on was only for pedestrians, and so the curbs were not suited for bikers; in other words, they did not gently slope downwards but instead dropped at a 90 degree angle. Every time I went over one of these curbs I felt as if I were flying a couple feet into the air. I was traveling relatively fast this morning, trying to arrive at least somewhat early for this internship, so the curbs were extra uncomfortable. On one of the bigger drops, my water bottle flew out of its basket and hit me square in the face. And mind you, this water bottle was filled to the top, so it was really heavy! But it landed on the ground as I biked by. I cursed aloud, partially because I was practically socked in the face by my own water bottle and also because I just lost my source of hydration for the day. There was a construction worker right there who witnessed the whole thing. I'm jealous that he got to see what was probably the most hilarious sight ever.

So a few minutes later I got to los remedios, parked my bike, and called Teresa to tell her not to make my lunch for the day as I had already left the house. Then I walked in the door of the Alzheimer's center, panting and slightly sweaty. The first thing secretary says to me is, "Manuel is not here today. He's in the hospital with his wife. So you can go home now."

Manuel is the manager of the NGO and was supposed to teach me what I was supposed to do today. And. He. Was. Not. There. After my freaking odyssey of a trip to the center.

So I walked out, called Teresa to tell her I'll be coming home after all to pick up my lunch, and biked back. And here I am, sitting on my laptop in the house, waiting until I have to leave at 11:30 for my math class. Instead of finishing up my problem set, I am on blogger ranting about my morning. As you can tell, I make good life choices. Like being sarcastic. Yeah, I need to get rid of that particular habit. But anyways.

At least I got my exercise in for the morning.

One of the German supermarkets near my house is having a "¡Sabores de America!", or "Taste of America!" event today. I saw in the catalog that they will be selling a bunch of American dessert mixes, candies, and barbeque-type foods. Glad to know that the Europeans think of us as the land of brownies, hot dogs, and mayonnaise. But, there will also be peanut butter, which the Spanish do not ever eat. Oh man, if there is one food I've been craving since I got here, it's gotta be peanut butter. So after school today I'm gonna make my way over to Lidl and buy myself a jar (or five) of mantequilla de cacahuete because I kind of think I deserve it after what happened this morning. Self-pity for the win. But no, I really do miss peanut butter.

Okay, it's now time to leave the house once again and get to my ODE class. Alright, game face on.

first google image that pops up for "game face on"